Dear Sir:
In answer to your letter of Sept. 21, 1937 we
beg to advise you that
according to our records any
letters received from you have been answered promptly
either by Mr. Lorre or
As mentioned in our last letter a few months ago
Mr. Lorre has
been up against it financially and has had
long lay offs in between
pictures, during which time he
received no income.
Things are beginning to look
much better and we shall
start to
send you $ 25.00 at regular intervals (to be
increased as Mr. Lorre’s
financial condition improves)
herewith enclose our cheque for $ 25.00. Please advise
this office as to the balance Mr. Lorre owes you,
the enclosed cheque
on that account.
Very truly yours,
Eli H. Leslie
Eli H. Leslie
Business Manager for
Mr. Peter Lorre.